Meet Dr. Cal


Hey Beautiful Souls! It’s time to rise, time to open the door to a new day in mental health, where you're not just seen, not just heard, but cherished and understood in the fullness of who you are. Let me tell you about a man who has walked the hard roads and now lights the way for others, a man who knows the valleys because he has climbed out of them himself. Dr. Cal Spinks—he is the voice that says, “Still, I rise,” a trailblazer with a heart for the underserved, a soul that knows the power of resilience. For 30 years, Dr. Cal has been advocating for those whose voices have been silenced, for communities whose cries for mental wellness have too often gone unheard.

His journey, like Maya Angelou’s poetry, sings of overcoming adversity, for he has known struggle intimately—emotional, physical, and even the deep, silent pain of neglect. But Dr. Cal turned that pain into purpose. He was born in the inner-city projects, faced the shadows of anxiety and body image battles, fought through addiction to drugs and alcohol, but he didn’t just survive—he triumphed. He took those struggles and turned them into a flame of advocacy, lighting the way for others still finding their path.

With a Bachelor’s in Sociology, a Master’s in Counseling, and a Doctorate in Counselor Education & Supervision, Dr. Cal’s academic journey is a testament to perseverance. Yet, more than the degrees, it is his lived experience that makes him the heartbeat of change for communities of color. He understands what it means to feel unseen, unheard, to wrestle with systems that weren’t built for you. And so, as an advocate, mentor, and clinician, he fights tirelessly for the health and dignity of every person he serves.

Dr. Cal isn’t just changing lives—he’s changing the whole game. He knows that healing isn’t a one-size-fits-all prescription. For communities of color, healing is layered, it’s historical, it’s cultural, and he embraces it all. He’s training the next generation of mental health professionals to do the same—to be present, to be aware, to honor the stories that come with every client. Through his eyes, healing is an act of revolution.

And to the future—he's calling. Dr. Cal is leading a movement for accessible, affirming, and compassionate mental health care, especially for those who’ve been overlooked for too long. His work says, "You matter. Your story matters." He walks beside you, lifting you up as you find your way toward wellness.

So, if you’re seeking a guide, a mentor who knows the depth of your struggles and the heights of your potential, look no further. Dr. Cal Spinks is here, ready to help you rise, ready to help you discover the strength you didn’t know you had. This is not just about therapy—it’s about transformation. It’s about reclaiming your power. Step into your wellness journey today. Dr. Cal Spinks is waiting, with wisdom, with empathy, and with open arms to help you soar.



   Kevin, from D.C. 
"I started seeing Dr. Cal the summer of the pandemic. When I came to Dr. Cal I had already experienced a wealth of disappointment. I was severely depressed and had been for a while. Our sessions always started with roses and thorns. I probably had more thorns than roses. Thus, I was always in a dour mood. Nothing seemed to be going right. In fact, during this time I found myself really only anger twice within 6 months of our sessions. When I let it go, it was because of Dr. Cal who had spent a great deal of time coaching and teaching me to deal with and handle my feelings as I had put them away for the sake of others. Fast forward to late winter 2022. As I walk through my home, I realized it was no longer a safe place. It was filled with anxiety and stress. It was then I realized it was really ok to think about me and my needs and what the future looks like. I was finally able to make sound decisions for myself and my life moving forward. Through all of my sessions with Dr. Cal’s help, here I am today happy with life and excited about my future. Through the vision boards I have made during our time. The self-help books I’ve read. The exercises I learned to use with Dr. Cal’s help have helped me become a better person for myself. I now advocate for myself in areas I always found stifling. I will end on the note. I was at a planning dinner with 7 friends. We all laughed throughout the evening. Then one friend says, “I’m not sure who the Kevin was I met two years ago, but I absolutely love this Kevin.” This process has been the most fulfilling and life changing."

Gretchen, Chicago
Dr. Cal Spinks is an amazing professor and mentor, I have learned so much from him about counseling psychology in practice. Because of his expertise I decided to take four major program courses with him. He includes real life experiences in his teachings to help prepare graduate students for work in the field as opposed to just covering the required texts. He is also a sound supervisor and mentor who is able to listen in a non-judgmental manner and applies the discrimination model to assist his mentees to become strong, ethical clinicians. I couldn't ask for a better experience in graduate courses and supervision than what I have received from Dr. Spinks and would recommend him as a professor, counselor and mentor. Also, Quantum is a very unique behavioral health practice that is exceptional at providing culturally services to underserved and often oppressed communities.

Anthony, Chicago
Dr. Spinks is a top tier educator who works tirelessly for us students. He impressed us with his professionalism, compassion, and willingness to teach. Despite suffering a tragic and personal loss, Dr. Spinks used this event as a teachable moment. It was a humbling yet impressive experience. I hold his motivation and dedication to teach in the highest regard.





9:00 am-10:00 pm


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